Good Morning Everyone,
Today I am featuring Doreen of Privies and Prims. She is a very talented and crafted lady. She has her own shop located in NC and you can find her on Etsy, and her website. (links are below). Grab a cup of tea or coffee and go and take a look at Doreen's wonderful creations.
1. What is the name of your Etsy shop and why did you choose that name?
Privies & Prims has been my business name for about a year. I started out in a shed at my home on Blue Rock Rd., so I named my little shop Blue Rock Country Crafts. I had my first storefront in Burnsville, NC in 2000 and named the store Privies & Perches. I was making lots of outhouse bathroom decorations and my dad was making lots of prim birdhouses, so I changed the name. Inspired by God is all I can say. It just popped into my little brain!
2. How long have you been on Etsy?
Had to go look at my profile for this question. Seems I started in February 2008.
3. What type of items do you offer?
Penny rugs, prim stitcheries, primitive & folk art dolls, punch needle embroidery & patterns, outhouse stuff, candlemats, prim wreaths, Americana prim t-shirts, wood signs, ornaments, & photographs of old barns and outhouses. I think that’s it.
4. How long have you been crafting?
As long as I can remember. I used to sit at the kitchen table and trace the designs on the napkins. In high school, I made a macramé hanging large enough to cover a window! We also did pottery and leather working. My special leather project was a framed image of a Michelob beer bottle ad. We used wood carving tools and I stuffed the “bottle” from the back with sawdust to give it dimension. At the time, it was my boyfriend’s favorite brand. Personally, I can’t stand the taste of any kind of alcohol. Just give me my McDonald’s sweet tea!
5. Who or What inspires you?
I get inspired by PatternMart.com’s monthly newsletters, looking at others creations online, visiting prim shops, looking through cataloFirst, I must give God the credit for my talents. He puts ideas into my head as I go along. I start out making a doll like the pattern photo, then God gives me ideas to make it my own. Sometimes, I think it’s a curse. I’m always seeing stuff and thinking, “I can make that!” So, that’s why the list of things I make is so long. I just recently added punch needle embroidery to my list and I’m “hooked”. I’m designing patterns that I will sell as kits and will soon be designing prim doll patterns also that will be modeled after the mountain folk where I live.
gs, and the list goes on and on. Gosh, everything I see inspires me! I look at people in restaurants and think of making a doll to look like them!
6. What is your favorite item in your shop and why?
My favorite creations are my primitive dolls cause I love giving each one their own personality. The favorite ones I’ve made are 46” dolls from a Prim & Proper folks pattern.
7. Other places where you can be found (Ebay, webstore, blog).
I don’t sell on ebay too often. Seems I just pay them money and don’t have much luck there anymore. For Privies & Prims, my main website is www.PriviesAndPrims.com, my etsy shoppe is www.PriviesAndPrims.etsy.com, blog- www.PriviesAndPrimsBlog.blogspot.com, and at my brick & mortar store located at 110 West Main St., Burnsville, NC 28714.
I also do wedding photography, www.AffordableMemoriesNC.com, and sell photographs of old barns and houses that I find here in the mountains.
My pattern blog is: www.SimplyPrimPatterns.blogspot.com.
I’ll soon be teaching classes in my store, so I have a blog for that. www.StitchersPunchersAndHookers.blogspot.com
And yes, I do find time to sleep.
My name is Doreen Brannan and you can contact me at PriviesAndPrims@yahoo.com
Have a blessed one!
Here is a sampling of some of Doreen's wonderful creations: